Tuesday, 13 January 2015

HTC One M9 Prime

Edhe pse ende nuk kemi njohuri se si duket, tashmë është e ditur që brenda 3 ose 4 muajve të ardhshëm ne mund të shohim telefonin e mençur të ri nga HTC . Sonte, një raport që vije nga Kina pretendon që ka detaje rreth specifikave të pajisjes HTC One M9 Prime.

Thashethemet tregojnë për një pajisje me ekran 5 inç 2560×1440 pikela, 3GB RAM, procesor Snapdragon 805 SoC, dhe bateri 3500 mAh, që pritet të ketë përmirësime të dukshme. Por, HTC One M9 është supozuar gjithashtu të ketë kamerë 16 megapiksel me stabilizim optik të imazheve, që do të thotë se HTC do të bartë pajsje UltraPixel. Po ashtu, pasi Apple bleu kompaninë Beats, HTC duhet të gjejë një partener tjetër që ka probabiltet të jetë Bose.

Kjo pajisje duket të jetë sikur një “përbindësh” që përdor të gjitha pajisjet harduerike më të mira që do jenë në dispozicion në fillim të 2015, duke na dërguar deri në pyetjen vërtetë të arsyeshme se çfarë e bënë HTC M9 Prime të jetë e “para”. Më parë ishte thënë që M8 Prime do të zëvendësojë tabletin HTC One Max, kështu ne mund të presim një pajisje me ekran të madh, por është vështirë të ju garantojmë se mund të ndodhin këto përmirësime me këtë pajisje. Megjithatë, planet mbeten tek HTC, për të cilat pritet të ndëgjojmë në Konferncën Botërore Mobile që do të mbahet me 2-5 Mars në Barcelonë.

Apple iPhone 5: What and When to Expect

Which is the most expected smartphone of 2012? I believe if you make a mini research and ask your 10 friends about this, 8 of them will answer, “The iPhone 5, of course!” Bigger surveys conducted by huge research companies also say that the iPhone 5 is really one of the most expected smartphones at the moment, along with the Samsung Galaxy S3 and some quad-core devices announced at MWC 2012. But the worst thing is – we don’t really know when Apple’s new-generation iPhone will be released and what featured it will come with.

Most of us expected Apple to make official announcements about the specs and release date of the upcoming iPhone 5 in the beginning of spring, but Apple remained silent; they didn’t say anything about the new-generation iPhone even after the MWC 2012 where the other leading manufacturers announced their future flagships. I guess the reason of Apple’s long-lasting silence is simple – Apple just wanted to see the phones introduced at the biggest mobile eventso to understand the main trends of the year and to be able to make something really competitive. If so, most likely we won’t see the iPhone 5 released this summer–Apple will need more time to work on it.

So what are the major trends of 2012? What features should the iPhone 5 have to be able to compete with the best phones shown at MWC? Let’s see…
In 2011 we used to think dual-core processors were very cool, fast and powerful. Well, they were really good compared to the old single-core ones, but 2012 dictates new trends – quad-core CPUs that are twice cooler and faster. Two phones with such processors (clocked at 1.5GHz) were introduced at MWC – the HTC One X and the LG Optimus 4X HD; plus Samsung’s Galaxy S3, the main competitor of the iPhone 5, will most likely come with a quad-core CPU, too. The iPhone 4Shad a “usual” dual-core processor, but if Apple really wants its iPhone 5 to attract more attention, they have to arm it with a more powerful quad-core CPU.

Big screens with high resolution are another major trend of 2012. There was a time when everyone thought Apple made the best displays with the coolest pixel density, but hey, HTC’s One X is coming with a 4.7-inch touchscreen with 720 x 1280 pixels resolution and about 312ppi pixel density – it’s a bit less than the iPhone 4S offered, but the difference is so little that a human eye won’t see it anyway. Now Apple’s goal should be to make the iPhone 5 with a big screen, yet the high resolution should be kept. It won’t be easy, but it’s absolutely necessary – nobody will want to buy a small 3.5-inch phone in 2012.

Good smartphones should have good cameras, too, so the next goal of Apple should probably be an extraordinary camera for the iPhone 5. I don’t think Apple can make a 41MP one like Nokia did for its 808 PureView, but some good software or interesting built-in camera applications will also do the trick.
And the last but not the least trend of 2012 is about big batteries. Samsung has armed its Galaxy Beam with a 2000mAh battery, and many other phones announced at MWC 2012 also come with high-capacity batteries.Apple also has to do the same, since the iPhone 5 will most likely come with a bigger screen and more powerful processor, which will require a more powerful battery, too.

So what do we have here? If Apple wants its iPhone 5 to become a real hit, they just have to make it according to the latest demands of the market – with a quad-core processor, a bigger touchscreen, a good camera with nice applications and a powerful battery. And I really think that’s what Apple will do before releasing its iPhone 5 in the end of summer or, which is more likely, in fall.
By the way, there are also rumors that the new iPhone will be called iPhone LTE instead of iPhone 5. These are just rumors, and I personally hope Apple won’t do such a thing to its new device – I’m sure most buyers will prefer the good-old iPhone 5 title, plus many potential buyers from other, non-English-speaking countries will probably experience difficulties pronouncing “LTE,” and some of them may not know what the word really means.

What do you think, what other features can Apple add to its iPhone 5 to make it the most interesting device of the year? And will it really be renamed?

3D printed cars in a near future can be driven

3D printed cars in a near future can be driven?

At first glance, the unique looking Strati-EV by Local Motors might appear to be another concept, energy-efficient car.
But the tiny two-seater is fully functional and is made of 95 percent printed material.

“It’s Willy Wonka for vehicle innovation,” said Jay Rogers, CEO and co-founder of Local Motors.
Arizona-Based Local Motors designs, prints and will sell the Strati-EV. The car isn’t street legal just yet but will sell for about $18,000. It can hit speeds of up to 50 miles per hour.
The electric car was created in about 45 hours by a 3D printer. Designers upload a layout and the printer creates it using thousands of layers of liquid plastic.

The 3D printer can create almost anything, like chairs and tables.

The car may look flimsy but the carbon-reinforced plastic is a strong as metal.

Local Motors says that its cars will be the safest on the road because the company can use them in real crash tests, then rebuild what didn’t work the next day.
Rogers said he had his “aha!” moment working with foreign luxury cars. He wanted to maximize modern tech by creating similar cars using far less tools and parts.
“25,000 parts are what’s in these cars, let’s get it down to 50,” he told.
That’s exactly what Local Motors did. But the company isn’t limited to just the Strati-EV model. Designers say they can basically print any type of car.

Local Motors says that, in the future, customers will be able to bring in their used printed car to be chopped up and recycled for a new one.

The business plans to build 50 new factories in the next 5 years and have its cars on the road even sooner.

“One of the key things we like to talk about, and it’s right in our name, is that we are local. We are made locally,” Rogers said. “And that’s so exciting when you think about bringing vehicle innovation from America all over the world.”